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Week 4 Assignment- 3 Topics of D.C. History

Posted by: | February 14, 2014 | No Comment |

Washington D.C. is a large melting pot of cultures and people of different backgrounds. My first research topic is to explore the reasons of immigration and races that have come to Washington D.C. throughout the years. I want to find out why D.C. is home to so many different nationalities and what is the appeal of the District. I also want to research how this migration of people to D.C. has influenced it and in what ways is it a different place then what it could have been hundreds of years ago.

I will research this topic by first looking at the history of early Washington D.C., what kind of place was it and what were the districts original intentions of impacting the rest of the United States. Second I will research when immigrants started making their way to D.C. and what was their purpose for moving. Third, I will research the impact that immigration has had on Washington D.C. and whether or not its been positive, negative, or both. I will be looking at both primary and secondary sources mostly going through the GMU online library databases to find information.

Credit: http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-52513285/stock-photo-washington-dc-may-immigration-reform-activists-protest-on-may-at-the-white-house-on.html

Credit: http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-52513285/stock-photo-washington-dc-may-immigration-reform-activists-protest-on-may-at-the-white-house-on.html

My second topic is on the public education system of D.C. and why it has been known to be not well funded, a difficult environment for teachers and students, and why their hasn’t been any major changes in the last several decades. I also want to find out how the  public education system started and how it got to be a certain way for so long. Will there be any near future improvements or what does the future for public education in the District of Columbia look like? I do realized that with this topic, the topic of racial division and integration will come up. I plan to pursue that topic as well only in terms of how it effected the public school system.

I plan to start my research by looking at the history of public education in D.C., how it started, how it has changed, and what challenges has it faced along the way. I will look at time lines, articles, journals, newspaper articles, magazines, books, and any type of multimedia like photos or videos.

Credit:  http://historicdress.org/wordpress/

Credit: http://historicdress.org/wordpress/

My third topic of research is about the construction and influence of the Smithsonian’s museums, galleries, and zoo. I want to find out why the Smithsonian was built, why located in Washington D.C. and how has it influenced the District throughout the decades. Personally, I have interned at two different Smithsonian Museums, the National Museum of Natural History and the Freer|Sackler Gallery. While interning at both museums it was not hard to miss how influential and respected the Smithsonian is as an Institution. I want to figure out how the Smithsonian got to the point of having such a high level of credibility, respect and influence not only in D.C. but the world. Did the location of being in D.C. make a difference, has the location of the Smithsonian improved D.C. tourism? What are the benefits or negative impacts of having the Smithsonian in the District of Columbia?

I will start my research by starting at the birth of the Smithsonian museums, galleries, and zoo. I will found out who started the project, why D.C., and the point of the Smithsonian. Next I will look at how it has influenced D.C. and how D.C. has helped the Smithsonian prosper. Like the other two topics I will start and finish my research through journals, articles, magazines, books, videos, images, interviews, and any other primary sources that I encounter.

under: Final Project
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