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Value of text mining tools and final project

Posted by: | April 3, 2014 | 1 Comment |


I think text-mining tools in general can be a valuable resource depending on the type of research that is being done. For my project specifically it would have been a good resource to use initially before digging deeper into data and information. After playing with and experimenting with text-mining tools, I learned that they grab key words, or words that are emphasized in the text and display them in a significant format. Words that are used more often then others are generally larger and more apparent for the viewer to acknowledge. I believe text-mining tools will be valuable when reading either short or lengthy articles and pulling out the key words to get a general understanding of what information is in the text.

Progress Report:

I have began reading secondary resources for my final project and gathering up as much secondary information as possible. I am doing this first to get a clearer sense of what primary resources I will want to focus on. I plan on doing most of my research by the end of this week and start making an outline of how I want to answer my final research project. What has been challenging is finding both primary and secondary resources that are completely relevant to my topic. I noticed that some of the articles I use do have focus on my topic but also focus on other topics too. I do want to use film documentaries, images, and journals (if possible) for my primary sources.

under: Final Project, Tools

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